April is the Month of Book Lovers!

Welcome, book lovers, to April. And like every month of the year, April is to celebrate books. Right now, I have two book promotions on Kobo. The Reading Spring Sale and April Buy One Get One Free. Don’t forget to check them out if you enjoy fantasy and romance stories. And once you’re there, also check out other amazing authors and avail these April bookish sales.

But that’s not all, April is also special because World Book Day is celebrated on the 23rd of this month, highlighting the importance of books, libraries, and reading. It’s the perfect time to enjoy the warmer weather with a cup of tea and a book.

Not only that, as book lovers, it’s also the best time of the year to connect and come together and share our love for them. I celebrate April with book promotions and reading my favorite genres. What about you?

Finally, as special as April is for book lovers and authors alike, let’s not forget that it’s a passion that continues year-long.

Happy Reading!

P.S. In certain parts of the world, April is also poetry month. Enjoy.

No Happy New Year by Fizza Younis

Don’t expect a ‘Happy New Year’ from me,

When there isn’t peace in the world,

And all humans aren’t free.

Don’t ask me to celebrate any ridiculous milestone,

When we can’t agree on the simplest things,

And hold hands for a worthy cause.

Don’t come here to tell me life goes on,

When, with your continuous indifference,

You’re complicit in humanity’s destruction.

New Year will come and go,

Milestones will happen still,

And life will go on regardless.

But never dare remind me how morbid I can be,

It’s not my fault that the truth lies bare,

Yet you refuse to see.

My heart beats for the dead, I can’t fake a smile,

I speak for the ones who are being silenced,

I will raise my voice.

The human in me hasn’t lost touch with her humanity,

So, no, there is no reason to celebrate,

As nothing about the end of another fruitless year is happy.

© 2024 Fizza Younis.

P.S. The first poem of 2024 had to be sad because we’re all too heartbroken to be happy right now. Praying for world peace and end of oppression everywhere. Ameen!

No Word Unsaid by Fizza Younis is Now Available!

Dear poetry lovers and literary enthusiasts,

The moment we’ve all been eagerly awaiting is finally here! I’m thrilled to announce that “No Word Unsaid” is officially available for purchase.

About the Book:

“No Word Unsaid” is a soul-stirring collection of poetry that transcends the boundaries of language and speaks directly to the heart. Verses are artfully crafted to capture the essence of emotions, weaving a tapestry of words that will resonate with readers from all walks of life. This collection is a testament to the power of poetry to articulate the unspoken and evoke a myriad of feelings.

Dive into a World of Emotion:

Each poem in “No Word Unsaid” is a journey, a profound exploration of the human experience. Whether you’re seeking solace, inspiration, or a moment of reflection, I invite you to immerse yourself in the richness of emotions laid bare on the pages of this remarkable collection.

Get Your Copy Now:

“No Word Unsaid” is available for purchase at your favorite book retailers. Don’t miss the chance to own a copy of this captivating poetry collection. Grab yours now and embark on a literary adventure that will stay with you long after you turn the last page.

Grab Your Copy Today

Perfect Gift for Poetry Lovers:

Looking for the ideal gift for a poetry-loving friend or family member? “No Word Unsaid” is the perfect choice. Share the beauty of words with someone special and give the gift of poetry.

Join the Conversation:

As you delve into the pages of “No Word Unsaid,” share your thoughts, favorite poems, and reflections on social media. Use the hashtag #NoWordUnsaid and let’s create a community of readers who appreciate the profound beauty of poetry.

Thank You for Your Support:

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the readers, supporters, and poetry enthusiasts who have been eagerly anticipating the release of “No Word Unsaid.” Your enthusiasm and love for literature inspire me, and I can’t wait for you to experience the magic within these pages.

PreOrder Today: No Word Unsaid (Poetry Collection)

Are you a poetry enthusiast searching for fresh verses that stir your soul and speak to the heart? Look no further! I’m excited to introduce “No Word Unsaid,” a mesmerizing poetry collection. With every page, you’ll immerse yourself in a world of emotions, beautifully crafted words, and profound thoughts. This book is set to leave an indelible mark on your heart.

I have woven words into beautiful, evocative verses that will effortlessly touch your heart. It will take you on an emotional journey, exploring the depths of friendship, love, loss, hope, and the intricacies of human relationships. These poems are a symphony of feelings, leaving no word unsaid in the pursuit of understanding the human condition.

This book is exclusively available on Kobo and Kobo Plus, making it a rare gem for poetry lovers. By choosing to preorder “No Word Unsaid,” you not only gain access to a literary treasure but also support a platform that celebrates literature and authors.

Poetry is a form of art that transcends time. “No Word Unsaid” is not just a book; it’s a timeless addition to your library. Whether you’re a seasoned poetry reader or just beginning to explore the world of verse, these words will stay with you for years to come, ready to be revisited whenever you seek solace, inspiration, or a moment of reflection.

Poetry is meant to be shared, and “No Word Unsaid” is no exception. In the digital age, sharing is easier than ever. Purchase a copy for yourself and gift one to a friend, a loved one, or someone who needs a little extra beauty added to their life.

Preorder now!

Title: No Word Unsaid

Author: Fizza Younis

Genre: Poetry

Release Date: November 20, 2023

Synopsis: In this collection, the pages come alive with the raw, unfiltered emotions of the poet’s heart. It is an intimate journey through the labyrinth of human feelings, where every word is a revelation, every verse an invitation to explore the depths of the soul. With a candidness that leaves no sentiment unspoken, these poems explore love, loss, hope, and despair, offering solace and connection to all who dare to venture into the profound landscapes of the human experience.

‘No Word Unsaid’ is a poetic testament to the power of vulnerability and the beauty found in the most genuine and unreserved expressions of the heart.

P.S. It includes all poems from my first two collections, ‘Musings of an Untutored Pen’ and ‘Wilted Flowers.’

Here’s a sneak peek into what awaits within these pages:

One of my favorite poems from this collection: Expectations Kill

Sometimes, it’s not the fault of the other person,

Rather, our relationships are killed

By our expectations, leaving behind

A hole in our lives that can never again be filled.

The dreams we dream all on our own,

The things we hope for regardless

Of what the other person may want

Leading to our love’s demise, creating a mess.

We see what we wish to see and not the truth,

We believe what we want to believe

And not the reality of our situation

In the end, all we are left with is grief.

Let me tell you something you need to know,

Listen to this; it’s a story of woe and despair

Expectations kill, sometimes more than just a relation

Heed my words; I hope they are loud and clear.

Expectations kill your happiness and your peace of mind,

So, if you wish to be happy in life

Don’t expect a thing from people you love

Because expectations kill, plunging into your heart like a knife.

© 2023 Fizza Younis.

PreOrder No Word Unsaid Now!

Monday Musings: Toward Enlightenment

Once you have seen the light,

Darkness loses its charm.

When you touch the stars,

Moon doesn’t seem afar.

If you know the truth,

The lie is no longer blissful.

And where the start meets an end,

To new heights, your soul might ascend.

What are you afraid of, then?

The light, the stars, or the truth?

Perhaps, the fear of something


Is what keeps you tethered

To this plane.

But what is gain

Without some loss?

Come into the light,

Reach the stars,

Uncover harsh truths of life,

And when you’re at the end of the race,

At peace, you will leave with grace.

© 2023 Fizza Younis. All Rights Reserved.

New Release: Depths Untrodden by Fizza Younis

Let’s dive between verses to find ourselves

Who doesn’t love a good piece of poetry, right? It truly is food for the soul. Depths Untrodden is the latest poetry collection by Fizza Younis, and it’s now available on Amazon and offers readers a unique exploration of freedom, equality, and acceptance in a world that often denies them.

Fizza Younis’ writing is truly a feast for the senses. This collection is filled with vivid imagery, powerful metaphors, and lyrical language that express the poet’s personal and social struggles, as well as their hopes and dreams. From the depths of oppression to the heights of liberation, these poems will take you on a journey of discovery and empowerment.

Whether you’re a seasoned poetry reader or new to the genre, Depths Untrodden has something to offer you. Each poem is an original work of art, carefully crafted to stir emotions and provoke thought. The book is also accompanied by a selection of expertly chosen graphics that add to the reading experience.

With this book, you’ll be transported to a world that celebrates the human spirit and the quest for liberation. You’ll come away feeling inspired, empowered, and eager to engage with the world in a new way. So don’t wait any longer – pick up your copy of Depths Untrodden and start exploring the power of poetry today!

Here are two of my favorite poems from this collection:

Because I Am

No expectations

I embrace the unknown

Feeling I’m enough

About the Author

Dr. Fizza Younis lives in Lahore, Pakistan, with her family. She has a Ph.D. in economics and is a published researcher in her field of study. Yet fiction and poetry remain her first love. An indie author and avid reader, she is happiest while creating something new, whether it’s a piece of fiction, poetry, or art. The scientist and artist inside her get along marvelously, and she spends most of her free time solving some of the most troublesome puzzles of life. She is a simple person believing in simple things. Her philosophy is of minimalism, equality, and harmony. She might not be as fascinating as her characters, but she loves to write stories about interesting people and their misadventures. Weaving words of love and encouragement, sometimes she forgets she is an average person with mundane existence because she feels herself to be spectacular in the world of fiction.

Find out more about her work here.

Monday Musings: I’m Melting

This has been one of the longest and hottest summers of my life, and it’s not over yet. I kid you not. It all started in March. Quite unexpectedly Spring decided not to show its face and Summer appeared out of the blue; all of a sudden. And it hasn’t left since then. We are forced to entertain this uninvited early guest until September (most probably, hopefully, because if it lasted longer, I’m dead).

Gosh! When did the weather become so unreliable? It’s not that I hate summer more than any other season or anything, I’m just not a fan of extreme weather of any kind. So, these unexpectedly extreme heat waves are most annoying.

Anyway, enough of that. It’s hot, everyone knows it, and I should just get over it since this is going to be a new norm all thanks to climate change and whatnot. How is your summer going? Anything good? Anything new? Don’t forget to share your thoughts and you are welcome to rant about anything you like. I’m told that I’m a good listener.

Now, let’s think about better things; happy things; poetry…

One June

One scorching June,

During the longest afternoon,

By a beach,

Out of this world’s reach,

Basking in the golden sun,

Looking toward the horizon,

I had a strange thought,

A lesson untaught:

‘Life isn’t some useless material thing,

We’re truly alive when we begin

To feel others’ pain

Without seeking personal gain;

Ready to lend a hand to every weary soul

Trying to remain whole-

For it’s about love and warmth,

Together weathering any storm.’

© 2022 Fizza Younis. All Rights Reserved.

P.S. I originally wrote part of it for collaboration and then, expanded on it. I think it’s a fitting poem for this time of the year. One good thing about summer; when you feel too lazy to move, you can sit still and think.

Monday Musings: Broken Heart

Has it ever happened to you where something backfired? When you planned something with much care and it was all in vain? When you were on the right path but then life startled you with a twist?

Gosh, I can’t begin to list all the times it has happened to me. In fact, it’s the reason why I no longer with planning or preparing. Instead, I say, ‘bring it on.’ And now I’m rarely shocked at the ingenious ways life keeps throwing hardships at me. I’m stronger when I’m not trying to anticipate something and just go with the flow.

How about you?

Monday Musings: Your Kingdom (a Poem)

When the spell is broken,

And from you slumber you’ve awoken,

When the tide has changed,

Freeing the bird that was caged,

That time is coming soon,

To the world’s cruelty, you become immune,

After you have resolved all your disputes,

You’ll be ready to return, back to your roots;

The place where you were happy and gay,

Before you lost your way-

That’s where you want to go and lie down,

The only place where even you can wear a crown.

© 2022 Fizza Younis. All Rights Reserved.

I have decided not to post my poetry as often as I’m doing currently– or maybe, not at all. Unless, something changes. If you enjoy my work, then check out my published books. Thanks for the support and love some of you have shown me. You’re the reason I did this for as long as I did. So, I really appreciate it. Take care and happy reading!

Monday Musings: This Girl (A Poem)

This enigma of a girl,

Wants to be forgotten, be invisible,

She wishes to lose herself in a crowd,

Never again to be found-

She wants to live without fear,

Only with the people she holds dear,

And when she meets her death,

The moment she takes her last breath-

She hopes to do it with a happy smile,

Knowing she conquered life’s every trial.

© 2022 Fizza Younis. All Rights Reserved.