Are you looking for an epic adventure to read?

Who doesn’t enjoy a good adventure, right? I love stories where the characters go on epic journeys and face all kinds of hardships before fulfilling their missions/goals. I think I fell in love with these kinds of stories when I read ‘Lord of the Rings’ for the first time.

So, let’s talk about one of my favorite adventure series. I highly recommend it and since the series is already ended, you can check it out and maybe you’ll end up finding your next best adventure between these pages.

Dark World: The Faerie Games

What’s this series about?

Dark World is a fictional world created by one of my favorite authors, Michelle Madow. The first series set in this world is The Vampire Wishes, the second is The Angel Trials, and this is the third series set in this world. It’s best if you read the series in order but it’s definitely not a requirement to enjoy each series. Because where there are recurring characters, but the main characters are different and the stories take different turns. However, it’s the same world; a world of magic, mystery, adventure, and excitement.

Anyhow, this post is about The Faerie Games, so let’s talk about this series. There are five books in the series and every single one of them is amazing. The story flows perfectly as our main characters fight for their survival.

Selena Pearce is kidnapped by the faeries and now she must fight in a twisted competition where everyone is fighting for their very life. Her own goal is to go back home and she is willing to do anything for that. On the other side, her family and friends are looking for her. They won’t stop until they find her and bring her back, safe and sound.

In addition to this exciting story line, throw magic, mystery, adventure, romance into the mix, and you have one perfect series. Selena is a half-faerie and half-witch who is raised by an earth angel and a vampire prince. (P.S. Her adoptive parents are the main characters of The Vampire Wishes series). Now, you can imagine what her life must be like: definitely worth reading about.

Book One: The Faerie Games

The Faerie Games (Dark World: The Faerie Games Book 1)

Selena has always felt like a failure because she can’t access her magic. She is the only one in Avalon who has no powers to speak of. So, when her best friend brews a special potion for her, she is more than willing to have an adventure of her own. It will be only for a day and no one will ever find out about it. Unfortunately, things go horribly wrong. She is duped by a half-blood and now she is forced to play in Games that are deadly, to say the least. She hopes that her parents would find her soon and save Otherworld from gods who think everything is for their amusement only. For now, she has no choice but to go along with her biological father’s plan and pretend to be someone she isn’t.

Book Two: The Faerie Pawn

The Faerie Pawn (Dark World: The Faerie Games Book 2)

Selena is trying to do her best to survive the Otherworld. She doesn’t want to die and if that meant doing what needed to be done then so be it. These games are deadly and sooner or later they’re all going to die, with only one survivor. She will try to stay alive for as long as possible.
Julian feels guilty and maybe something more… He will try to help Selena as much as possible but in the end, he plans to win the games because that is the only way he can ensure his family’s safety.
Together, they will make new alliances and break some old ones. One thing is for sure Faerie Games aren’t going to be boring at all.
On Earth, Selena’s friends are trying to find a way to save her. There isn’t much they know about the Otherworld but they will stop at nothing. Selena’s safety is their top priority. Along the way, they will uncover time old secrets and realize that ‘myths’ are not just stories for bedtimes. There is much truth behind them.

Book Three: The Faerie Mates

The Faerie Mates (Dark World: The Faerie Games Book 3)

These Faerie Games are brutal! Since this is the third book in an ongoing series, the story continued from where it had left on from book two. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone so I will just say that this book will wrap up a few things while there are things that are left unanswered.

Book Four: The Faerie Wand

The Faerie Wand (Dark World: The Faerie Games Book 4)

Julian and Selena are on the quest to find faerie wand and end the plague which is rumored to have spread in the Otherworld. But this journey won’t be easy and they will face many dangers to overcome. Anyhow, they are not your everyday half-bloods so they might yet defeat every challenge coming their way.
On the other side, Selena’s friends are still working on finding their way to the Otherworld and save her. They are facing challenges of their own and there isn’t a single dull moment in this action-and-adventure-packed book.

Book Five: The Faerie Plague

The Faerie Plague (Dark World: The Faerie Games Book 5)

And finally, a fitting conclusion to a wonderful series. Everything is beautifully and satisfyingly concluded in this book. Selena and Julian’s thrilling journey ends here. They are both where they belong and for now, they are safe. However, this is not the end because their are other characters in the series whose story is only just beginning. So who know what will happen next, but you will be happy with how all the lose ends are tied in this book.

Why I love it?

I enjoyed each and every book in ‘The Faerie Games.’ Selena’s journey has been exciting and thrilling from the very beginning, until the end. I think that the strongest point of these books is great world-building. The Otherworld has been so much fun to read about and I enjoyed all the characters that are introduced in this book. Mages, witches, faeries, and even gods are seen walking through these pages. All in all, a great read and I’d definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good paranormal adventure.

Another thing that I loved about these books is that they are all fast-paced. So you don’t get a chance to take a breather and be bored. Everything happens fast, there are many twists & turns along the way, and story doesn’t drag in the least. In my reading experience, that’s not easy to do and that’s one of the reasons why Michelle Madow is among my most favorite authors.

Overall, it’s a great story and I think all paranormal and mythology fans will enjoy this. Just remember that this is a series of connected books, and none of them is a standalone. In fact, you need to read them in order to understand what’s happening and enjoy the story.

P.S. Don’t forget to share your thoughts and recommendations are always welcome. Happy reading!

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