How I Feel by Fizza Younis

I feel like a dream within a dream,

Alive but never here,

Dead but still breathing,

Lost between the worlds,

Never to rest in peace.

Riding the wind it can’t control,

I’m like that wayward fallen leaf,

Flying across the sky without purpose,

Trying to reach it,

Something no one is meant to touch.

I feel like a drop of dried blood,

Spilled in a moment of insanity,

Unable to return to its original form,

Darkened, blackened by the course of time,

A residue of something that was once alive.

© 2020 Fizza Younis. All Rights Reserved.

Free Kindle Book

If you enjoy my poetry, don’t forget to check out my published work.

The poetry collection Musings of an Untutored Pen is available at Amazon and is free until tomorrow. So, don’t forget to grab your copy today.

It’s free with Kindle Unlimited as well.

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday #4 and Free Books

First of all, I want to thank everyone who downloaded Somewhere in Time last week. It made it to the Amazon’s Top 100 Best Sellers lists; fantasy short reads and Fairy Tales. So, thank you! That was the best birthday present ever.

Birthday Selfie, 2020

Secondly, I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays. Don’t forget to keep yourself and others safe. In so many countries, pandemic is still causing havoc, disrupting lives, but we are stronger than it. We can defeat it. So let’s stay strong. Help each other and let’s not cause unnecessary problems for others. Most importantly, be kind.

That said, let’s talk about two of my books. One a short story and other is a poetry collection. Both books will be free at Amazon until 31st Dec. Don’t forget to grab your copies and whenever you get the chance to read them, let me know your thoughts. Most of you are already familiar with my writing style and I hope you enjoy it.

The Life I’ve Lived (A Short Story)

A woman struggles to find her roots in order to live a life she deserves. But the very world she lives in conspires against her, and there is only one man she can trust.
Hoping against hope that her trust in Nadir isn’t misplaced, Sofia continues her journey to self-actualization and, in the end, revealed the truth that has been obscured for so long.
Life in Rayet will never be the same…

Amazon Link

Goodreads Link

Musings of an Untutored Pen (Poetry Collection)

It’s a collection of poetry that is both happy and sad at the same time. Seemingly unrelated, these poems sketch a picture that is meant to be felt rather than seen. They are witty, emotional, passionate, thought-provoking, hopeful, and sometimes tragic. Each piece is a part of the author’s soul, a figment of her imagination, and a window to her most cherished dreams. In a simple yet profound way, every verse relays a message, in the hope that it might guide the lost souls through their darkest times.

Amazon Link

Goodreads Link

Happy Holidays!

Shh! Silence is Golden (Flash Fiction)

It was the third time the school had called me this month. Sitting opposite to my son’s homeroom teacher, I felt like a child myself. Mrs. John was a middle-aged, stern looking woman. She was exceptionally good with the kids. I’ve never had a problem with her. Unfortunately, she had many with me.

“Miss Davis,” She gave me a disapproving look, “you need to pay more attention to your son. There’s only so much we can do here. He is a bright child, but his recent drawings are disturbing. Honestly, they give me the chills. I don’t even want to imagine from where he gets his inspiration.”

She placed three drawings on the table in front of me. One was a picture of a man holding an axe while a child lay on the floor with a detached head. Caption said, “Why won’t you leave me alone?” In the second picture, a man was holding a pillow on a child’s face. This time the caption said, “Just go to sleep already.” The last one was a picture of a graveyard with ten headstones. This time the caption said, “Everyone I love is resting peacefully.”

That wasn’t the only disturbing thing, though. He had used dark tones of red, yellow, and black to paint them. There were other strange things scribbled on the margins—words I couldn’t fully understand. Yet, the words death and quiet stood out like flashing neon signs.

I took a moment to take it in. I could understand where the teacher was coming from, but I didn’t know what to say. I promised to talk to Danielle about it. Hoping I’d be able to get an answer from him that would help us deal with his strange choice in art.

Later that night, I sat my son down to have a talk. At eight years old, he was old enough to know better. I wanted to give him a chance to explain. “Danny, I talked to Mrs. John today…”

“Is it about the drawing again?” he said before I could complete my sentence.

“Yes, so what do you have to say about it?” I decided not to beat about the bush since he was expecting this talk.

“It’s no big deal. I saw those things in the mirror and thought they were cool.” He was nonchalant about it.

“You saw them in the mirror?”


“What mirror?” To say his answer had baffled me would be the understatement on the century. My son might have a deeper problem than I realized, if he was seeing these disturbing things in a mirror.

“You know, that cool looking one you bought last month. With the golden frame.” He was talking about the antique mirror hanging in our living room. “The guy in the mirror said if you love someone, make sure they stay comfortably quiet.” I looked at him, speechless. “Mommy, I love you the most.” A shiver ran down my spine as I stared at him in horror.

© 2020 Fizza Younis. All Rights Reserved.

Like A Love Lost (A Poem)

Have you ever wondered,

How much a year can change you?

Turning your carefully crafted life

Upside down.

Have you ever noticed,

How life can come to a standstill?

Converting your beautiful dreams to dust

On the ground.

Have you ever realized,

How much you can depend on a person?

Leaving you vulnerable in life;

What a mess!

Have you ever thought,

How days can blend into each other?

Converting your mind into a constant

Source of stress.

Have you ever questioned,

How a well thought out decision can backfire?

Turning each one of your life’s choices to

A wrong page.

Have you ever understood,

How pitiful your broken heart makes you look?

Leading your mind into a frenzy

Of rage.

© 2020 Fizza Younis. All Rights Reserved.

P.S. If you enjoy my poetry, don’t forget to check out my published workMusings of an Untutored Pen is available at Amazon and is free to read with Kindle Unlimited.

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday #3 and a Free Book

December is finally showing its true colors, reminding us what ‘cold’ means, and I love it. What do you do in these cold nights. Obviously, you curl up in a comfortable chair with a blanket, a cup of hot chocolate, and you read to your hearts content. At least, that’s what I would do if I could find time.

Anyway, here’s to hoping that you guys are luckier than me!

Today, I’d like to share one of my own personal favorite books of mine. Somewhere in Time is a retelling of the classic fairy tale ‘Sleeping Beauty.’ This short story is set between the twentieth and twenty-first centuries and has a darker paranormal twist to it. With no happily-ever-after within sight, Aurora and Prince Phillips struggle to make sense of their insane worlds. But what the future holds for our beloved characters is yet to be determined.

Go a head read it and find out. It is currently free at Amazon. You have until this Thursday to get your copy. Don’t miss the chance. Somewhere in Time is a perfect December read.

I hope you enjoy the story and don’t forget to let me know what you think of it.

My birthday is on Tuesday, 22nd. And next Sunday will be the last self-promotion post of the month. Do let me know if there is something specific you want me to share. Ask anything or make a suggestion. I love to hear from people around the world. It feels good to be connected.

Until then, happy holidays!

Stay warm and stay safe!

Fiction Friday: Beneath The Ice

Since I was a kid, I had dreamed about the possibilities of what might be buried under the ice in Antarctica. It must be a graveyard of lost civilizations—valleys and canyons older than time itself, hidden away under the flat and featureless Southern continent. That’s why I became a scientist and an explorer. It had always been my dream to uncover the treasures of the past buried beneath the icy surface.

Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined I would find the truth. I was stationed at one of the research centers at Antarctica, working alone for a few days before the rest of my team arrived. Working in the harsh environment wasn’t fun, and yet, I enjoyed my work. It was what I had always wanted to do, and I had jumped through many hoops to make this a reality.

On the third day of my stay at the research outpost, it happened—an earthquake that shook the icy floor under my feet, and before I knew it, the geography of the site altered drastically. There had been various cave ins. I found myself buried under the rubble of ice and scientific equipments.

I was no longer above the ice. Somehow, I had ended up below it. That wasn’t the surprising part, though. The real shock was the city I ended up in. Who would have guessed that an entire world was thriving below the surface?

I stood up, trying to fight the disorientation. Buildings lined my vision. As far as I could see, there were man-made structures. I wasn’t sure what to do next when someone approached me.

“Are you alright?” the stranger asked in a gentle voice, checking me from head to toe.

“Where am I?” I asked the first question that popped into my head. A thought occurred to me, perhaps I was dead, and this was the afterlife.

“In Antarctica, of course,” the guy said, as if that should have been obvious.

“You are saying this is Antarctica?”

“I should take you to the elder. She’d know what to do with the situation.”

“What situation?” I looked at him curiously.

“Come on,” he extended his hand, which I took. “I can’t deal with the outsiders.”

I was a little dizzy but followed him anyway. As we walked down a paved road, I noticed people coming and going. There were no vehicles and everyone was walking to and from their destinations. It was a small community, but it had everything a modern civilized city would have. I could see tall trees in a distance.

We stopped in front of a small house. The guy knocked at the door and a woman dressed neatly opened it. She ushered us in and offered me tea. Her name was Ada. After hearing about my arrival, she gave me a choice; stay or die? It was obvious what I’d choose. Because how could I pass up on an opportunity of exploring the world beneath the ice?

© 2020 Fizza Younis. All Rights Reserved.

P.S. If you enjoy short fiction then don’t forget to check out my published work. My books are available at amazon and are free with kindle unlimited. I hope you enjoy my stories. Thank you!

Like a Dream or a Poem

If your life is like a dream,

You might not want to wake up from it;


Sooner or later, dreams must end,

What will happen to you then?

Like a dream within a dream…

If you live in a world of fantasy,

You might not want to come back to reality;


Fantasy is just an illusion,

What will happen when it breaks?

Like a leaf falling down in Autumn…

If you don’t want to be true to yourself,

You might built a dozen walls around your heart;

And yet,

The light will never reach your soul this way,

You have a choice to make, what will you do?

Like a moon hiding behind the clouds…

Living like a dream is good only in poetry,

There’s more to life than the stars and the moon;

So you should know,

It’s better if you learn to live in reality,

Heart break of today saves you tomorrow;

Like a lost soul unable to hide from itself…

If you let it, time will heal your wounds,

Don’t be scared of feeling the emotions you must;


After crying a river of tears and howling at your pain,

The dust will settle, and life will begin anew.

Like poetry, there is a rhythm to it…

© 2020 Fizza Younis. All Rights Reserved.

P.S. If you enjoy my poetry, don’t forget to check out my published workMusings of an Untutored Pen is available at Amazon and is free to read with Kindle Unlimited.

Shameless Self-promotion Sunday #2 and a Free Book

As I mentioned in my last Sunday’s post, I’m making Dec 2020 all about myself. So here I am shamelessly self-promoting once again.

Today, I’d like to share with you guys my second collection of short stories, titled The Untold Tales: Of magic, mystery, and mayhem.

Like my first short story collection, this one also has a theme and this time it is all about paranormal, fantasy, and mystery. Unknown creatures lurk between the lines and there are enough twists to keep the readers on their toes. It’s perfect for anyone who loves a good short story.

This collection is for you.

The Untold Tales will be free at Amazon from

Monday, December 14, 2020, 12:00 AM PST to

Friday, December 18, 2020, 11:59 PM PST

So, don’t forget to get your copy. And I’d love to hear your thoughts, reviews, and views.

Happy December, stay warm and safe!

Man Who Wasn’t There by Fizza Younis

We stared at each other, locked in a battle of wills, both waiting for the other to surrender. I feared if I blinked, I’d be the one to vanish — not him. This was the third time I saw him on the stairs.

“Who are you?” I said, hoping the man would say something that would ease my anxiety and calm my pounding heart. No such luck, though. He stood silently, at the bottom of the stairs, looking up at me. “Why are you here?” I tried again. Only silence met my words.

The doorbell broke the spell, startling me. He vanished, and I was once again alone in the house. I took two stairs at a time as I rushed to open the door. A stranger stood at my doorsteps. “Hi, how may I help you?” I said, politely.

“Are you Miss Annie?” the stranger gave me a penetrating look. He looked familiar, but I couldn’t place him. Standing a foot taller than me, he had his hands in his front pockets. He took a deep breath as if preparing himself for something bad.

“I am.” I said nothing more, waiting for him to state his purpose.

“I am Danish. My grandfather used to live in this house. It might sound absurd, but he asked me to check up on you. Do you need help? Are you in trouble?” he said, his eyes studied me from head to toe as if trying to figure out something that wasn’t there.

“Excuse me?” I didn’t understand what he was talking about. At that moment, something clicked, and a picture appeared in my mind. I looked at his face, studying each line. The high cheekbones, hazel eyes, wavy brown hair, and the nervous smile — it all reminded me of the man on the stairs. “Your grandfather, you said?”

“Sorry, if this makes no sense. He is deceased. I just…” He struggled with words. “It’s just… that… I have been having these dreams.” He took another deep breath. “He has been appearing in my dreams a lot lately and every time he says, ‘Annie needs help.’ And I see this house. I don’t know what I was thinking. I decided to drop by on a whim.” He shrugged and smiled sheepishly.

If I hadn’t had my personal encounter with his grandfather’s ghost, I would’ve called the authorities then. But I had been wondering about the middle-aged man who kept appearing in front of me. “Do you want to come in?” I also did something on a whim and invited a stranger into my house.

He relaxed, and this time his smile was genuine. “You don’t think I’m crazy?”

“Let’s just say, I have had my share of craziness.” I smiled at him, struck by the warmth in his eyes. My heart melted a little.

And that’s how our story began. A ghost brought us together, and we spent many happy years in love, living as blissful of a life as anyone could dream of.

© 2020 Fizza Younis. All Rights Reserved.

P.S. I wrote this flash fiction specifically for the Aim to Engage Challenge at Wattpad. The prompt was;

“Yesterday upon the stair, I met a man who wasn’t there…”

P.S. If you enjoy short fiction then don’t forget to check out my published work. My books are available at amazon and are free with kindle unlimited. I hope you enjoy my stories. Thank you!

Between the Two (A Poem)

Between now and then

there are a hundred hopes

trying to stay alive.

Between yes and no

there are a thousand maybes

fighting to survive.

Between life and death

there are a million pages,

that might remain unread.

Between you and me

there is a mirage of secrets,

things we shouldn’t have left unsaid.

© 2020 Fizza Younis. All Rights Reserved.

Support an indie author

If you enjoy my poetry, don’t forget to check out my published workMusings of an Untutored Pen is available at Amazon and is free to read with Kindle Unlimited.