Friday Fiction: Smoke And Mirrors

“The truth might not be something you can take,” Matt said, looking out the window. His back was to her, so she couldn’t make out his expressions. And his voice didn’t reveal his emotions.

“Still, lies hurt more,” Amy said with a small smile. She had thought about it and no matter how she looked at the situation, she wanted the truth. Truth would set them free or condemn them for eternity; either way honesty was the only viable path.

“Are you sure about that?” He turned around and looked at her incredulously. “Haven’t you been happy?”

“Yes, but…” she trailed off, understanding his meaning. “You’re right, of course. I’ve been happy without knowing anything.”

“I’ll ask again,” he said, taking a deep breath, “What exactly do you want?”

“The lie will make me happy. Not knowing is better, but… No, no,” she said, shaking her head vehemently, “I still want the truth.”

He sighed. “Well, fine. The truth it is, then.” A slight tremor in his voice betrayed his emotions. But she said nothing because the decision was hers.


Amy woke up with a start. Thinking about her strange dream, she rolled over to her side and noticed that Matt wasn’t beside her. She looked at the table clock, it said 3:28 AM. She forced herself to get up.

She felt hungry and decided to fix herself a sandwich. Walking into the kitchen, as she turned on the light and poured herself a glass of water, she heard murmurs. She noticed the basement door, that opened in the kitchen, stood ajar. At first, the fear gnawed at her insides but then, she reminded herself that it could only be her husband.

“Matt?” she called out from the doorway. Getting no response, she walked down the stairs. “Who are you talking to?” she asked, yawning.

She saw Matt standing in the middle of the small room. No one else was there. That’s when the creature turned around. Looking at his hideous face, Amy shrieked and fainted.

“Humans!” Matt grumbled, “Why do they demand the truth when they can’t take it?”

“Well, you lost the bet,” the voice in his head said.

“It’s not funny. You need to stop doing this. Why did you show yourself?”

“Hey, I’m a part of you. How can this woman claim to love you when she can’t accept me?” the voice said, humorlessly. “Don’t worry, let’s just put her back to bed, and in the morning if she asked, you can tell her it was all a dream. Humans are easy to fool.”

© 2020 Fizza Younis. All Rights Reserved.

Reaching for the Impossible (A Poem)

The trees wanted to be still,

But the breeze rustled their leaves;

The grass wished to stand tall,

But the wind forced it to bend-

The heart wanted to love,

Yet, the mind feared it all.

The soul craved to be understood,

But the world conspired against the truth;

The waves would’ve liked to reach the moon,

Alas! The distance was insurmountable-

And I wished to conquer the universe,

Yet, couldn’t even make a single real connection.

© 2020 Fizza Younis. All Rights Reserved.

P.S. If you enjoy my poetry, don’t forget to check out my published workMusings of an Untutored Pen is available at Amazon and is free to read with Kindle Unlimited.

Books and Reading Challenges

I haven’t talked about books in a while and I thought, why not do it now? Every year I do Goodreads challenge. This year I have accepted another challenge. I plan to read 52 books in 52 weeks. But that’s not the challenge because I usually read between 150 to 200 books every year. The challenge is that we are given a prompt from every week and we have to pick a book that falls into that category.

I have read three books and trying to pick up the fourth one for the next week’s prompt. Anyhow, I wanted to share the books with you all and also my feelings about prompt based reading.

The first prompt was; a book set in a school. For this prompt, I picked a fairytale retelling of Rapunzel.

Tower of Thorns (Once Upon an Academy #1)

by Laura Greenwood

Tower of Thorns (Once Upon an Academy, #1)

The story takes place in a fantasy academy for fairytale characters. It was a quick and fun read, but unfortunately, nothing special. Where I enjoyed the story, I wouldn’t recommend it to my fellow readers. My biggest issue with this book was underwhelming ending. The author created so much hype about the prophecies that surround the characters, but then didn’t explain it fully. I understand that this is a series, yet Rapunzel’s story was complete, so at least her prophecy should have been explained in detail. I don’t know, it just didn’t feel right to leave the readers hanging. Otherwise, why create so much hype?

Other than that, it’s a fun read. We meet some of our most favorite fairytale characters and the story is also good. I gave this book a 4 stars rating. If not for the above mentioned issue, this could have been a solid 5 stars for me.

The second prompt was; book featuring a legal profession. For this one, I picked up Sandra Brown’s The Witness.

The Witness

by Sandra Brown

The Witness

This was another 4 star read for me. The story was thrilling, and it was full of mystery. Honestly, this book kept me at the edge of my seat the whole time.

One of the main characters, Kendall Deaton, is a defense attorney in a small town. The story starts when she is already on the run. We aren’t given any hint as to why. But then it takes us back and forth into her life, and slowly things unravel and become clearer. She is running away from her white supremacist ex-husband and father-in-law, and in the process, becomes a fugitive as well.

This was another book that could have been a 5 star, but wasn’t. In this case, the problem was the pacing. Everything else was perfect. The characters, the story, and even the execution were perfect. Unfortunately, it wasn’t paced well. Especially, the first half of it was too slow for my liking.

I love fast-paced books and even a moderately paced one is usually hard for me to finish. Still, I’m glad I read this one because it wasn’t all bad, after all.

I definitely recommend this book to readers who can enjoy a thrilling mystery that’s not fast-paced, but it’ll keep you on your toes for sure.

The third prompt; book that switch between two timelines.

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

by Taylor Jenkins Reid

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

This was a unique story, unlike any I have ever read before.

The story is not exactly a romance, it’s not a mystery, and it most certainly isn’t a biography. Although that’s what it feels like the most. Goodreads has marked it as a historical fiction, so let’s go with that. However, it isn’t fully set in the past. The story of Evelyn Hugo is told from the point of view of a young journalist who agrees to write Evelyn’s biography.

Evelyn Hugo is an iconic Hollywood star. She has never told the truth about herself and her life. Now that she is old, and possibly dying, she has decided to, finally, tell her story. And she chooses unknown magazine reporter Monique Grant for the job. It’s going to be Monique who tells the story of a woman and her seven husbands. Soon she will start feeling a very real connection to the celebrity in question. As the story unfolds, we see ruthless ambition, determination, and a great forbidden love. It’s a story that talks to our most hidden secrets and shows us how little people actually reveal about themselves unless they are forced to.

As much as this story had intrigued me before I started, I must admit that it wasn’t as good as I had expected it to be. I skipped through it a lot. Where I admired and liked the characters, I thought that overall story was superficial and kind of boring. It was a 3 star read for me. But if you enjoy stories about fictional Hollywood stars, then I’m sure you’d love this one. It has all the drama that you’d expect such stories to have. For me, though, the best thing about this book was the author’s choice of POV and writing style.

P.S. So, that’s it for now. Do share your thoughts if you have read any of these books or anything similar. Happy Reading, everyone!

That’s How It Goes (Flash Fiction)

“You know why so many relationships fail? It’s because one person changes while the other remains the same. Suddenly they are no longer compatible. Growth is a natural process and partners need to grow together or there is no future for them,” I said to my wife, as we were watching a reality TV show about couples and their ‘real life’ problems.

“I don’t agree. If you keep loving each other, it shouldn’t matter,” my wife said, “The problem starts when both or one of the partners fall out of love. Love is the key ingredient, sweetheart.”

“Now, my dear,” I said, keeping my tone light, “You’re being naïve. Love is important too, but it’s not everything. Certainly not the key ingredient. I think that compatibility matters the most. Sometimes even people in love can’t make it work.”

“Okay, oh the wise one,” she said, mocking me, “What do you mean by compatibility, anyway?”

“Well,” I ignored her tone and said, “simply put, it’s when your souls connect.”

“So, do you think we are compatible?” She looked at me, raising her eyebrows. Somehow I had the feeling that no matter what my answer was, I would be condemned.

“I’m not talking about us,” I tried to deflect her question, “I’m just commenting on this couple.” I gestured towards the TV.

“No, really,” she pressed on, “out of curiosity, what do you think?”

“I think we get along well.” I shrugged, hoping she would leave the topic. Alas! No such luck.

“You’re such a bullshitter,” she said, chewing every word, “I can’t imagine anyone getting along with you. You don’t even have any close friends, which speaks a lot.”

“You’re getting worked up over nothing,” Once again I tried to soothe her ruffled feathers. There was no point in making it personal. I didn’t want my off-hand comment to turn into an argument. “Compatibility and love, both are important.” Yet, my attempt at diplomacy did me no good.

“Now, you’re saying what I want to hear,” She sighed, “You know that’s what I hate the most about you. You quickly change your statement as soon as I disagree.”

“What?” I hadn’t noticed any such thing about myself. I avoided conflict, that was true, but it wasn’t really that bad. Was it?

“You never say what you mean. You always try to say what you think I want to hear. As if I’m some child who can’t take an argument.” She was angry, and I wondered how did this conversation went downhill so fast.

For a while, we sat there silently. I didn’t know what else to say. I thought about it and realized that she was right, though. Unwilling to argue with her, I tended to agree with most of the things she said.

“We are not compatible,” she said, at last, “We never were. You have been blind if you ever thought that. The only reason we are still together is because we love each other. Love matters the most.” Her tone was final.

“I love you,” I said, because that was the one thing I had never doubted.

“I know,” She smiled at me, “and I love you too.”

“I know,” I said, smiling, “but we’re not compatible that’s true.” I admitted at last. Her smile had given me courage.

“How much does it matter?” There I was, thinking it would settle the debate when she asked another difficult question. How was I supposed to answer that?

“Only love matters,” I said, without thinking.

“You’re such a bullshitter.” She laughed.

I felt sheepish, because this time too she was right. “You know me well.” I tried to laugh it off. It had sowed the seed of doubt in my heart.

Later that night, I laid in bed unable to sleep, thinking about why we were together. It made little sense when you consider the differences in our personalities. Love was there and maybe she was right, and that was all we needed. But if that was true, why was I restless?

© 2020 Fizza Younis. All Rights Reserved.

Monday Musings: Running (A Poem)

I felt tired

Running after the people

Who left me behind.

I felt drained

Hoping for the impossible;

My intentions benign.

I felt lost

Following the footsteps of others;

A path that wasn’t mine.

I felt used

Still loving my betrayer,

Notwithstanding the crime.

I felt out of place

Living in a world,

Where lying to yourself was fine.

© 2020 Fizza Younis. All Rights Reserved.

P.S. If you enjoy my poetry, don’t forget to check out my published workMusings of an Untutored Pen is available at Amazon and is free to read with Kindle Unlimited.

Flash Fiction: And I Saw Myself

Someone lost between what was and what could be, would never see the truth. I lived a lifetime trapped between my past and future, never there to enjoy the present.

“There’s no point in regrets, Papa,” Haroon whispered, gently patting my hands. “We all make mistakes, but the important thing is to learn from them and move on.”

Of course, I couldn’t reply. I had lost my ability to speak long ago. I felt the tears running down my cheek. The onslaught of memories rendered me witless. I was the sly one—the idiot who tried to outrun fate. Who was laughing then? If I had learned anything in my miserable existence, it was that you could never get something that’s not meant for you.

“It’s time to let go,” he whispered, unplugging the ventilator.

‘Ah, he is just like me,’ I thought to myself as I took one last, painful breath.

© 2021 Fizza Younis. All Rights Reserved.

If you like short fiction, don’t forget to check out my short story collections at Amazon.

Happy Reading!

Some Days, Without a Reason

It happens once in a while,

Some days,

I just want to weep,

Without a reason,

I wish to be sad,


It makes me feel good –

And in those sad, weepy days,

I miss you the most –


My old, lost self.

© 2020 Fizza Younis. All Rights Reserved.

If you enjoy my poetry, don’t forget to check out my published workMusings of an Untutored Pen is available at Amazon and is free to read with Kindle Unlimited.

Non-Problem Problem (Flash Fiction)

“Alice is having a June wedding,” Jenna said in a way of complaining, “It’ll be hot as hell. I don’t think I’ll want to attend.”

“Well, dear,” her mother said, “as far as excuses go that’s a pretty shitty one. She’s your first cousin. You should be there for her.”

“I hate weddings,” came her next complained, “And let’s not forget, Alice has never been good to me.”

“That matters not,” her mother said firmly.

“Still, June?” Jenna wasn’t ready to give up on her lame reasoning. “I don’t believe in the whole superstition of it being lucky.”

“June isn’t the reason for your not wanting to attend.” Her mother looked at her knowingly. “Look, it’s Alice’s wedding so she gets to decide when or where. That’s not your problem.”

“But…” Jenna couldn’t finish her sentence.

“No buts,” her mother interrupted, “Besides weddings are fun.”

“Fun?” Jenna said, laughing a little, “Not if you are single and have the worst luck in relationships.”

“What does that have to do with Alice’s wedding?”

“Mom,” Jenna said, sighing, “you know how it is. Everyone we know will be there, and all they will do is pester me about when I’m getting married. It also doesn’t help that Alice is younger than me.”

“So?” her mother said, “Let them ask. Why should it bother you?”

“It’s annoying. I don’t understand why people do that? I mean, you are at a wedding, just be happy for the couple in question. Why ask every single person about their non-marriage?”

“Oh, don’t be dramatic.” Her mother smiled at her. “If anyone asks, just tell them that you are never getting married because your one true love broke your heart.”

“Seriously?” That made Jenna laugh. “You think that will make them stop asking?”

“No, but it will be interesting to watch their reaction.” She winked at her daughter as both women burst into laughter.

© 2020 Fizza Younis. All Rights Reserved.

You’ll be Fine (Something Positive)

Take a deep breath,

collect your thoughts and

keep your emotions in check-

You’ll be fine,

as long as you don’t give up,

keep the spark of hope alive.

Take a step forward,

get your bearings and

keep looking ahead, don’t falter-

You’ll be fine,

as long as you right yourself quickly,

after stumbling down.

Take your time with everything,

pull up your socks and

keep your wits about you-

You’ll be fine,

as long as hardships don’t deter you,

keep the fire of resolve burning.

© 2020 Fizza Younis. All Rights Reserved.

If you enjoy my poetry, don’t forget to check out my published workMusings of an Untutored Pen is available at Amazon and is free to read with Kindle Unlimited.

Flash Fiction Friday: In His Head

“I haven’t been out in the sun lately,” Azlan stated with a far-off look on his face, “These days the moon is my only companion. I don’t even remember what sunshine feels like.” He was talking to no one in particular. “There was a time, not so long ago, when my personality was much like the sunshine, or so everyone said. Ah, now even mustering up a smile seems like a futile effort.”

Azlan was interrupted by a knock on the door. For a moment, he couldn’t understand what the strange noise was. Then he realized that someone was outside his room. Curious, he never got visitors. Who could this be? He froze… There it was again, the unmistakable sound of a knock. He said nothing and waited quietly for the intruder to enter or leave.

“Azlan, how are we doing today?” a cheery voice said from the other side, but the door remained closed.

“Who is it?” he croaked. Huh, why did his voice sound funny? He cleared his throat. He was parched. Funny how he hadn’t noticed it until he spoke and heard his own raspy voice.

“Please, remain seated. I’m here with your daily dose of sunshine,” the voice said, cheerfully.

Again, nothing else happened. What was going on here? Azlan stayed where he was and waited patiently. There was no other sound, but he felt his mind going blank, and his eyes drooped. Before darkness engulfed him, he heard someone say, “Will he ever wake up?” Then he heard another voice reply, “It’s not very likely, but nothing’s set in stone.” What an odd thing to say, he thought as his mind slowly drifting away into darkness.

His last thought was the regret of missing another dose of sunshine and a prayer to be able to see the sun once again.

© 2020 Fizza Younis. All Rights Reserved.

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope this year turns out to be the plot twist you have been waiting for.