Flash Fiction: And I Saw Myself

Someone lost between what was and what could be, would never see the truth. I lived a lifetime trapped between my past and future, never there to enjoy the present.

“There’s no point in regrets, Papa,” Haroon whispered, gently patting my hands. “We all make mistakes, but the important thing is to learn from them and move on.”

Of course, I couldn’t reply. I had lost my ability to speak long ago. I felt the tears running down my cheek. The onslaught of memories rendered me witless. I was the sly one—the idiot who tried to outrun fate. Who was laughing then? If I had learned anything in my miserable existence, it was that you could never get something that’s not meant for you.

“It’s time to let go,” he whispered, unplugging the ventilator.

‘Ah, he is just like me,’ I thought to myself as I took one last, painful breath.

© 2021 Fizza Younis. All Rights Reserved.

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