Reaching for the Impossible (A Poem)

The trees wanted to be still,

But the breeze rustled their leaves;

The grass wished to stand tall,

But the wind forced it to bend-

The heart wanted to love,

Yet, the mind feared it all.

The soul craved to be understood,

But the world conspired against the truth;

The waves would’ve liked to reach the moon,

Alas! The distance was insurmountable-

And I wished to conquer the universe,

Yet, couldn’t even make a single real connection.

© 2020 Fizza Younis. All Rights Reserved.

P.S. If you enjoy my poetry, don’t forget to check out my published workMusings of an Untutored Pen is available at Amazon and is free to read with Kindle Unlimited.

2 thoughts on “Reaching for the Impossible (A Poem)

  1. Hello there
    Its Gunjan Rathor this side.
    Author of ‘The First Steps’ book and co-author of two more books. Presently in 12th standard PCB student. From Raipur, CG India
    Right now we are preparing for an anthology and came to Know that you are a good writer. It will be great to see you joining us 😊
    If you want I can send you more details 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello,
    Thank you for stopping by. And I’d definitely love to hear more about the anthology. It sounds like something I might be interested in. Kindly, send me more details. You can email me at


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