Wilted Flowers is Now Live!

Title: Wilted Flowers

Author: Fizza Younis

Release Date: 24th July 2021

Genre: Poetry

About the Book:

A poetry collection for people trying to make sense of this insane world.

They say words have power and I believe them. One word at a time, we can change everything. And even if not, we can change ourselves. To me, that’s equivalent to changing the world. I hope at least some of my words would find a home in your heart.

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About the Author:

Fizza lives in Lahore, Pakistan with her family and books. She has a Ph.D. in economics, but fiction is her first love. She is an avid reader who loves to write stories about interesting people and their misadventures. Books are the most important part of her life, and she cannot imagine living without them. She also enjoys painting and spending time with friends. She takes stories seriously because they are always telling us more than we’re ready to hear; reminding us we are not alone. She might just be an average person in the actual world, but in the world of the books, she is spectacular.

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More books by Fizza Younis

Now Live: Somewhere in Time by Fizza Younis

"Destiny never meant for us to exist in the same world at the same time."

About the Story

It’s a fairy tale retelling of the classic story of Sleeping Beauty. Set between the twentieth and the twenty-first centuries, the story has a darker paranormal twist, and no happily ever-after within sight. But what the future holds for our beloved characters, Aurora and Prince Phillips, is yet to be determined.

Read and find out!

Story Behind the Story

I have often heard the quote, “If you want to read something and it’s not written yet, then write it yourself.” Somewhere in Time is that story for me. I wrote it because I wanted to read it.

I love fairy tale retelling and I feel that there just aren’t enough of those available for the Sleeping Beauty. The idea of a hundred-year long slumber has always fascinated me and I hope that readers enjoy this piece of fiction.

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