Who is ready to dive into a world of magic and myths?

Dead Heart Longing is now available on multiple platforms. It’s a perfect read for fantasy, romance, and general fiction fans. The story is a blend of multiple genres. It takes you on a mythical journey among the mountains of the Himalayas, the ruins of an ancient Tibetan castle, and the depths of another realm ruled by the mighty Naga. With a hint of mystery, a romantic tale unfolds within these pages, mesmerizing the readers. So, what are you waiting for? Get your copy today and enjoy.

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About the Book:

Enter a reality where the living and the dead coexist.

Gesar, who was once a mighty king, now roams an ancient Tibetan castle as a ghost. His heart, as cold as the snow-covered mountain tops and consumed with bitterness, melts when he meets Nur. She is a woman like a warm summer breeze drawn to history and untold pasts. And their love will defy time and stretch beyond the human’s lifespan.

Yet, the shadows of forgotten conflicts threaten to extinguish the spark of their fragile relationship. As their fates collide, Gesar’s long-dead heart stirs with an unfamiliar warmth, and Nur faces an impossible choice. Should she save the cursed soul she’s grown to love or condemn him to eternal solitude?


A Lost Soul

The castle stood on the highest hill in a valley surrounded by the mighty Himalayas. From its towers, in all four directions, you could see tiny houses and huts stretched as far as your eyes could roam uninterrupted by nature. Though calling it a castle would probably be wrong, it was more of a ruin of one. Yet, its vastness would leave you in awe.

On the outside, vines crawled on every wall. Shrubs and wildflowers overran the grounds. Trees of silver fir and blue pine scattered across the uneven landscape. Broken windows shuddered with each gust of wind. And the inside was bare of any furniture or sign that humans ever lived there. Cobwebs hung from walls, and dust coated the cabinets. Shadows lurked in the corners and monsters seemed to peek from each dark nook.

Locals avoided it, fearful of the ghosts and goblins that haunted the empty structure—a shell of its past glory. As magnificent as the sun in the sky on a cloudless day, once upon a time, the grandeur of its halls was unparalleled. Now, a husk of its former self, it was still standing. That alone was something of a marvel.

Back in the day, tourists frequented the place, but then it was deemed unstable and unsafe for viewing. She was a brave girl who dared to darken its corridors, for no one else bothered with the falling skeleton of an ancient castle. At least, not in the past decade or so.

“Look, you must come and see it for yourself,” she was talking into the phone. “This place needs saving. It’s a national treasure. Seriously, it might be the oldest standing building in the Himalayas. Imagine the benefits if we succeeded in getting it declared as such.”

Her excitement grew with each word she uttered and her green eyes shone. Whether that too was a result of her eagerness or because of the afternoon sun, he couldn’t tell. Everything about her was illuminated and to his eyes, she seemed like a phantom. Maybe he conjured her up with sheer will. No, he wasn’t that imaginative. He quickly discarded the idea because she was real. More so than him.

It wasn’t the first time an outsider came to the valley and fell in love with its history. Unfortunately, all previous efforts to get the place status of a historical site failed. It would take too many resources to restore the castle and make it safe enough for human viewing. It was practically falling apart, which made it dangerous, especially if you considered its location—at the edge of a steep hill with at least a hundred feet fall on three sides. And only one travelable dirt road leading in or out of its giant front gates.

“Don’t you trust my judgment?” she said to whoever was on the other end. She waited for their response before continuing, “Times are different now. I’m sure it’s possible. In this day and age, what isn’t? We can even turn it into one of the hottest tourist destinations.”

Whatever the other person said satisfied her. “Okay, that’s settled then. I’ll see you next week.”

And the story continues with twists and turns much like the winding mountain roads.

Year in Review: The Books I Published in 2021

It’s that time of the year again that makes us all thoughtful. We wonder what we did, what we have gained and what we lost. The next year always feels like a new beginning waiting to happen and that brings much needed hope back into our lives. It’s only natural to talk about our accomplishments and our plans for the future.

In 2021, I focused on my writing projects and reading, took the back seat. I couldn’t finish everything I started this year so many of my projects will continue in 2022, but I published four books. Let’s look at them.

When Love Fails is my third short story collection. It’s all about love, loss, second chances, and feelings that weigh us down. These stories focus on the struggles of people in love or looking for love, and how they deal with their circumstances. Every story is unique and all characters are relatable.

It is also my first, and only, work that I published wide which means it’s available at multiple eBook retailers. It’s currently free (until 31st Dec), so don’t forget to check it out and avail the deal.

Wilted Flowers is my second poetry collection book. They say words have power and I believe them. One word at a time, we can change everything. And even if not, we can change ourselves. To me, that’s equivalent to changing the world. I hope at least some of my words find a home in your heart. I think that poetry is for everyone, but this collection in particular is for people who are trying to make sense of our insane world.

“You can easily get lost in this beautiful collection of poetry that talks about love, pain, courage, resilience, and strength in abundance.” ~ Gurpreet Dhariwal, author of Kaurageously Yours.

Dear Earth With Love is my first flash fiction collection and a personal favorite. If I must recommend only one of my books to readers, I’d recommend this one. These stories are close to my heart. They question our reality and touch some of the sensitive topics I’m passionate about, like feminism, environmental protection, climate change, minimalism, and our right to talk about all of these things and more. The stories are fiction and message is subtle. So, even if you don’t much care about these things, you will still enjoy the stories. It is for everyone, but mostly it is for the people who like to think and feel, who live to the fullest, and are ready to embrace radical ideas.

I wrote these stories during the early days of pandemic amidst the complete lockdown (2020). Fiction kept me going and helped me fight the boredom and uncertainty of the situation. It’s how I deal with the most unsatisfying moments I come face to face with. When you can find no other escape, stories will keep you alive and happy. I hope it’s the same for my readers.

It’s not the first novella that I wrote, but it is the first one that I published. Dream Within a Dream is Open Novella Contest (2021) short-lister. The story is inspired by Edgar Allan Poe’s poem by the same name, and it is a psychological brain teaser. A love story about a woman who can’t seem to distinguish between dreams and reality. She is stuck between two worlds with no way out. How will she deal with all the confusion and drama? Well, read to find out. It’s available with Kindle Unlimited like many of my other books

And That’s a Wrap

It has been a productive year, if I may say so myself. I thoroughly enjoyed working on each of these books and can’t wait to work on some more. If you want to check out my books just follow the link to my author profile at Amazon.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

2 Days Until Wilted Flowers is Live & a Freebie

There are certain things in life that only makes sense when you write a poetry about them. I don’t know why it is or how it is possible, but I know this to be true. It will be something obvious, something that should have been understood to begin with, but somehow, for some reason, you will only understand it when you read it in a form of a poem. Words when strung together in a specific order, makes things clear. That’s why I write poetry. And that’s why I read it too. There is nothing quite so beautiful as a well-written poem.

About the Book:

A poetry collection for people trying to make sense of this insane world.

They say words have power and I believe them. One word at a time, we can change everything. And even if not, we can change ourselves. To me, that’s equivalent to changing the world. I hope at least some of my words would find a home in your heart.

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To celebrate the release day, my first poetry collection Musings of an Untutored Pen is free for limited time.

Happy reading!

I’m Writing: Works in Progress

As you already know, I’m a writer as well as a reader. I enjoy writing short stories and poetry. Now, I’m trying something different. I’m working on a novella (maybe?) and a novel. It’s not easy and I’m struggling, to be honest. However, I think this will be a learning experience for me. I’m definitely going to enjoy this journey.

Anyway, I thought that today instead of sharing my reviews and views on other writers’ works, I will share my works in progress with you guys. You can also check out my published work here. All my books are free with kindle unlimited.

Myths of the Night


All Sahir wanted was to find his friend and make sure that he was safe. He never imagined that following someone in the dead of the night would lead him straight to the Underworld.

All Meena desired was to find her place in the world and maybe find one person who would accept her for who she was. Never in her wildest dreams did she think that she’d end up in the Otherworld, and finally learn the truth about herself. It seemed that her loneliness was eternal, after all.

Zim had been waiting for someone strong enough to summon him to the Aboveworld. However, he didn’t count on the person being a Grim Reaper. Now he had to help the evil being. Not only that, but he must also hunt down one person he never wanted to see again. What the journey held for him was anybody’s guess.

When the paths of these people from three different worlds collide, a chain of events unfolds, and truths are revealed. Unfortunately, Sameen found herself to be in the middle of it all. Now, the four of them are about to uncover things that should have remained a secret.

What will happen to the carefully crafted lies that history had been telling us? Find out in the epic paranormal adventure and explore a world of fantasy.

Where Your Dreams Reside


It all starts with a dream that leads Sarah to a magical place. It’s a place like none other, a place where all our dreams reside. Something is amiss, though. Things in Dreamland aren’t as they ought to be. It is up to her to save it. The good thing is that she isn’t alone. She has her friends, and more importantly, her dreams to guide her through this exciting journey. A journey that will take her to the places that are unknown to mankind. Where she will meet creatures she has only read about in books and seen in her dreams.
Will Sarah be able to save Dreamland, or is it just too hopeless? Find out in this exciting journey to a place ‘Where Your Dreams Reside!’

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I’m also working on a short story ‘Somewhere in Time,’ but this one I’m sharing on my blog as well. I have already posted the first two parts of it, and the third one will be posted on coming Friday.

It’s a retelling of Sleeping Beauty with a much darker twist and no happy ending in sight. But who knows, things might change in the end.

You can follow me at Wattpad and keep yourself up-to-date with my works in progress. I’d love to hear your comments and thoughts. Kindly, keep in my mind, these are ongoing stories. I edit as I go. Sometimes I re-write things that I don’t like. Sometimes I change stuff based on readers’ comments/suggestions. So kindly, at the moment don’t expect perfection. In any case, if you read at Wattpad then you are welcome to check out my work.

P.S. I made these covers using canva and photos from unsplash. They aren’t final book covers, just something for fun as I write.

Promo: Soul Seeks the Truth by Fizza Younis

Soul Seeks the Truth Graphic-1


It is a collection of short stories with an underlying theme of ‘soul searching’ and ‘self-actualization.’ These stories have characters that everyone can relate to. These are the stories about people on a quest to unravel life’s purpose and mysteries. Sometimes they succeed but not always. Either way, there is something to be learned from their stories.

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P.S. If you have read it then kindly do leave a short review. I’d appreciate it. Thank you and happy reading.