Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday #4 and Free Books

First of all, I want to thank everyone who downloaded Somewhere in Time last week. It made it to the Amazon’s Top 100 Best Sellers lists; fantasy short reads and Fairy Tales. So, thank you! That was the best birthday present ever.

Birthday Selfie, 2020

Secondly, I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays. Don’t forget to keep yourself and others safe. In so many countries, pandemic is still causing havoc, disrupting lives, but we are stronger than it. We can defeat it. So let’s stay strong. Help each other and let’s not cause unnecessary problems for others. Most importantly, be kind.

That said, let’s talk about two of my books. One a short story and other is a poetry collection. Both books will be free at Amazon until 31st Dec. Don’t forget to grab your copies and whenever you get the chance to read them, let me know your thoughts. Most of you are already familiar with my writing style and I hope you enjoy it.

The Life I’ve Lived (A Short Story)

A woman struggles to find her roots in order to live a life she deserves. But the very world she lives in conspires against her, and there is only one man she can trust.
Hoping against hope that her trust in Nadir isn’t misplaced, Sofia continues her journey to self-actualization and, in the end, revealed the truth that has been obscured for so long.
Life in Rayet will never be the same…

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Musings of an Untutored Pen (Poetry Collection)

It’s a collection of poetry that is both happy and sad at the same time. Seemingly unrelated, these poems sketch a picture that is meant to be felt rather than seen. They are witty, emotional, passionate, thought-provoking, hopeful, and sometimes tragic. Each piece is a part of the author’s soul, a figment of her imagination, and a window to her most cherished dreams. In a simple yet profound way, every verse relays a message, in the hope that it might guide the lost souls through their darkest times.

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Happy Holidays!

It’s Here: The Untold Tales (Short Story Collection 2)

The Untold Tales (ebook) 2


This book is a collection of the untold tales of magic, mystery, and mayhem. The kind of stories that will touch your heart, ignite your imagination, and make you believe again. They are from different genres but have the same underlying theme. Do expect unexplainable things happening to the characters, and be ready to meet the fantastical creatures lurking between these lines. Stay on your toes, and enjoy all the twists and turns that come along the way.

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My Favorite Quotes

It was the best moment and the perfect end to our love story that never was. (Wicked Embrace)

“The moon,” she whispered without looking at me, “isn’t it beautiful?” (Dreams that Mean Something)

Most of us just made the best of whatever bad situations given to us. That’s what I was doing. Nothing strange, and nothing extraordinary. (Sally’s Stories)

That which was once a dream-life soon became my nightmare. I felt the loss now, acutely, loss of a life I never lived, and that of a thousand ones I was forced to live. (I Must Live a Thousand Lives)

For a brief fleeting moment, I was happy. For the first and the last time, I was content. My life was complete, and I was living again. It didn’t last for long, but that’s okay, I knew now. I had come to understand everything that life wanted me to understand. Soon it would be time for me to go, and I was glad to say this, ‘I am ready.’ Death could come at any moment, and I would greet it with open arms. (A Bleeding Soul)

All those lost years bothered me. I was okay now, I had healed, and it was like my life started all over again. (Time That I Lost)

It was neither a great tragedy nor an epic romance. In fact, my story wasn’t anything worth talking about, but I needed to tell it because words were my only solace. If I didn’t tell it, I knew I would go insane. (A Story Worth Telling)

Was that a person or a fish? (Sea the Mysterious Mistress)

Humans were the most dangerous species to have ever walked on this planet. They wrecked everything they encountered. (The World Above)

His very soul was seeking the truth about the universe in which he existed. He was living beyond his time, and that was also the source of his unrest. (When He Woke Up)

To her, he had committed the worst crime, and she couldn’t love a criminal. Someone who stole something as precious as time. Then she walked away without a second thought and left him standing there, alone, with time on his hands and nothing else. (Time Thief’s Love)

They wanted to go back, but Earth was no more. We wanted to stay, but survival was a game. And there were no winners. (World Behind the Veil)

No one would dare go out when even the moon was scared to show itself. Yet five friends planned to attend a party. (One Cold Night)

P.S. Let me know if any of these quotes pique your interest. If you have read any of my books then I would love to hear your thoughts. Leave a review for me or send me a private message. Happy reading, everyone!