Year in Review: The Books I Published in 2021

It’s that time of the year again that makes us all thoughtful. We wonder what we did, what we have gained and what we lost. The next year always feels like a new beginning waiting to happen and that brings much needed hope back into our lives. It’s only natural to talk about our accomplishments and our plans for the future.

In 2021, I focused on my writing projects and reading, took the back seat. I couldn’t finish everything I started this year so many of my projects will continue in 2022, but I published four books. Let’s look at them.

When Love Fails is my third short story collection. It’s all about love, loss, second chances, and feelings that weigh us down. These stories focus on the struggles of people in love or looking for love, and how they deal with their circumstances. Every story is unique and all characters are relatable.

It is also my first, and only, work that I published wide which means it’s available at multiple eBook retailers. It’s currently free (until 31st Dec), so don’t forget to check it out and avail the deal.

Wilted Flowers is my second poetry collection book. They say words have power and I believe them. One word at a time, we can change everything. And even if not, we can change ourselves. To me, that’s equivalent to changing the world. I hope at least some of my words find a home in your heart. I think that poetry is for everyone, but this collection in particular is for people who are trying to make sense of our insane world.

“You can easily get lost in this beautiful collection of poetry that talks about love, pain, courage, resilience, and strength in abundance.” ~ Gurpreet Dhariwal, author of Kaurageously Yours.

Dear Earth With Love is my first flash fiction collection and a personal favorite. If I must recommend only one of my books to readers, I’d recommend this one. These stories are close to my heart. They question our reality and touch some of the sensitive topics I’m passionate about, like feminism, environmental protection, climate change, minimalism, and our right to talk about all of these things and more. The stories are fiction and message is subtle. So, even if you don’t much care about these things, you will still enjoy the stories. It is for everyone, but mostly it is for the people who like to think and feel, who live to the fullest, and are ready to embrace radical ideas.

I wrote these stories during the early days of pandemic amidst the complete lockdown (2020). Fiction kept me going and helped me fight the boredom and uncertainty of the situation. It’s how I deal with the most unsatisfying moments I come face to face with. When you can find no other escape, stories will keep you alive and happy. I hope it’s the same for my readers.

It’s not the first novella that I wrote, but it is the first one that I published. Dream Within a Dream is Open Novella Contest (2021) short-lister. The story is inspired by Edgar Allan Poe’s poem by the same name, and it is a psychological brain teaser. A love story about a woman who can’t seem to distinguish between dreams and reality. She is stuck between two worlds with no way out. How will she deal with all the confusion and drama? Well, read to find out. It’s available with Kindle Unlimited like many of my other books

And That’s a Wrap

It has been a productive year, if I may say so myself. I thoroughly enjoyed working on each of these books and can’t wait to work on some more. If you want to check out my books just follow the link to my author profile at Amazon.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Shameless Self-promotion Sunday #1 and a Giveaway

Hey fellow readers,

Can you believe December is already here? This year has been a little freaky for me. It started in a good way when I published my very first collection of short stories at the end of December 2019. In January I published my second book. Then in March, COVID-19 happened. Everything locked down. We were advised not to leave the house. It lasted for about three months and after that it was a partial lock down which lasted until September. Now, life is pretty much back to normal for most people in this part of the world. Unfortunately, I’m still stuck in March and I have no idea how to get out.

Anyhow, that’s not what the post is about. This post is all about ME.

Fun fact; I was born on Dec 22nd. So this is kind of my month and I plan to make it all about myself. Self-care, self-love, celebrations, and hopefully lots of fun.

So, on every Sunday until the New Year I plan to self-promote and share my journey of becoming a published indie author. We’ll do fun giveaways and spread the bookish love. How does that sound?

Shameful Self-promotion Sunday #1

Let’s start with my first short story collection that was published in Dec 2019; Soul Seeks the Truth

A little about the book

Soul Seeks the Truth is a collection of short stories that are all about self-actualization and soul searching. These are the stories about lost souls, wondering aimlessly and looking for their lives’ purpose. Purely fiction, of course.

Sometimes characters find their truth and sometimes it finds them. Either way these stories are meant to touch your heart and make you think. Stories are multi-genre but most of them are fantasy. Some have paranormal twists.

“A collection of short stories that are very thought provoking and stick with you long after you have finished.”

~ (a kindle customer)

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To win a kindle copy of this book simply comment on this post. I will randomly select two people to receive the ebook (for US readers). In case you are outside of the US, I will send you aMobi or Epub copy of the book.

Sorry guys, I really wanted to giveaway paperbacks but at the moment shipping costs are a bit out of my budget.

Let’s hope that things get back to normal and international shipping becomes possible soon. Until then we can enjoy the ebooks. Yay to the twenty-first century!

Happy reading and happy December to you all!