Fiction Friday: Not Good Enough

He crumpled the last sheet of paper, pitching it into the fireplace. That was his life’s story, but it wasn’t good enough. After receiving at least a hundred rejection letters, he was done. What was the point of keep trying when he couldn’t succeed? He had accepted the fact he wasn’t a good writer. He needed a new hobby.

The knock at his study’s door brought him back to earth, “Enter.”

“Sir,” his secretary said, “someone’s here for you.”

“Who’s it?” he asked, annoyed at the uninvited guest.

“It’s some lady…” Stacy trailed off.

A woman barged into the room before he could respond. “I think he knows who I am,” the newcomer said.

“Stacy, you can go,” he said, looking at the woman who once had his heart. “I do know her.”

“You haven’t changed much.” She took a seat as if she owned the place.

“Neither have you, so why are you here?”

“Just dropping by. It seems you’re having trouble getting published. I’m here to help.”

“That’s kind considering my soul’s already yours.”

“Well, I’m tired of waiting. I’ll give you one bestseller and your life’s forfeit.”

“Ok,” he said, smiling for the first time in years.

© 2020, Fizza Younis.
