Flash Fiction Friday: Ivory

Farah’s dress flowed around her, making her feel like a princess. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves, “This is it. I’m going to do it, at last.”

“You look beautiful,” Sana said, “White is your color.”

“Thank you!” She smiled at her best friend and maid of honor. “But it’s not white. It’s ivory.”

“Yes, right,” Sana said, rolling her eyes and trying to hide her smile.

The music started playing, and they left the room. Walking down the aisle with a contented smile on her face, Farah knew her life would never be the same.

© 2021 Fizza Younis. All Rights Reserved.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Pexels.com

Flash Fiction Friday: The Unknown

Caroline looked at the open book in front of her without seeing the words and wondered why she was drawn to it. There were odd markings at the border of the pages, and the writing was unreadable. At least, she couldn’t make sense of it. Yet, the book had called out to her as if it were written just for her.

She picked it up, turned the page, and then the next. Contrary to her initial impression, it was nothing interesting. She could make out the words on the page, and it seemed like a child had written them. They weren’t even proper sentences. Random words were scribbled by someone who didn’t know what they were doing.

“So, you have finally read it,” a voice said, startling her. She looked up from her position on the chair next to a study table and saw a man standing over her.

“Excuse me?” she asked politely, “Who are you?”

“I’m keeper of the dreams and this book has been waiting for you for quite some time,” he whispered.

“What is this book?” she said, curiosity getting the better of her. She didn’t even think about the place or the person in front of her. “How come I can’t read the first page while the rest of the book makes no sense.”

“These are you dreams, Caroline,” he said calmly, “How am I supposed to know what they are? Only you can read this book. But why can’t you read the first page?”

“My dreams?” she said in a whisper, more to herself than to anyone else. She looked again, and now she could understand everything. The words were no longer random. They have rearranged themselves, telling a story she was very much familiar with. Her dream, indeed. However, the first page remained as ineligible as before. The markings were foreign to her and the words were a blur. “Can’t you tell me what’s written on the first page?” she asked the stranger once again.

“Sorry, my dear, it’s not for me to read. Perhaps, it’s not yet the right time for you to read it.”

“When do you suppose that will be?” She stood up and started pacing around the room. It was a spacious room. She was only then noticing her surroundings. The curtains were drawn, and the lamps were lit. All four walls had bookshelves from floor to ceiling, except the spaces for windows and one door. She wondered where that door would lead. “Where am I?” she asked, realizing that she didn’t know where she was.

“I don’t know,” the man said. He also looked around as if trying to understand something. “I have never been here before. How odd!”

“I just saw the book, and I wanted to read it,” she mused, “I don’t remember leaving my room, though.”

“Where did you see the book?” he said.

“I don’t remember…” She tried to recall, but came up blank. Suddenly she felt the onslaught of a panic attack coming. This was not real. It couldn’t be. She was at home, getting ready for bed… As soon as the thought entered her mind, she woke up with a start. She must have fallen asleep while reading. She was still clutching the novel in her hands.

The dream had felt so real. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. ‘It was just a silly dream,’ she muttered under her breath.

“Are you sure about that?” someone said near her ear, causing her to scream at the top of her lungs and jerk herself upright. Breathing heavily, she got out of the bed and went downstairs. The house was silent, which meant that everyone else was still asleep.

It took her about ten minutes to get her bearings and calm herself down. Nightmares had always been her companions, but usually they didn’t feel as real as this one felt. After drinking a glass of water, she returned to her room and turned on all the lights. As she moved towards her bed, she noticed an open book on her desk. She moved towards it and realized that it was the same book she was reading in her dream.

She picked it up and read the first page. Once again the words made no sense to her and the markings on the edges remained a mystery. She closed it and read the title. It said Caroline’s Dreams.

That’s when Caroline remembered a story her grandmother used to tell. About a girl who had such powerful imagination that her dreams would come to life. She created an entire world just for her dreams, and when it was time for her to leave Earth, she went to her Dream Land and lived there forever. It was her—Caroline was the girl, and she had brought her first dream to life.

She put down the book, smiled and got into her bed. As she closed her eyes, she wondered what other things she could bring back from her dreams. She was ready for the next adventure that awaited her in the dream world.

‘Contrary to what most people think, dreams are never just dreams.’ With that thought in her mind, she drifted off to the la la land.

© 2021 Fizza Younis. All Rights Reserved.

Flash Fiction: And I Saw Myself

Someone lost between what was and what could be, would never see the truth. I lived a lifetime trapped between my past and future, never there to enjoy the present.

“There’s no point in regrets, Papa,” Haroon whispered, gently patting my hands. “We all make mistakes, but the important thing is to learn from them and move on.”

Of course, I couldn’t reply. I had lost my ability to speak long ago. I felt the tears running down my cheek. The onslaught of memories rendered me witless. I was the sly one—the idiot who tried to outrun fate. Who was laughing then? If I had learned anything in my miserable existence, it was that you could never get something that’s not meant for you.

“It’s time to let go,” he whispered, unplugging the ventilator.

‘Ah, he is just like me,’ I thought to myself as I took one last, painful breath.

© 2021 Fizza Younis. All Rights Reserved.

If you like short fiction, don’t forget to check out my short story collections at Amazon.

Happy Reading!

Flash Fiction Friday: In His Head

“I haven’t been out in the sun lately,” Azlan stated with a far-off look on his face, “These days the moon is my only companion. I don’t even remember what sunshine feels like.” He was talking to no one in particular. “There was a time, not so long ago, when my personality was much like the sunshine, or so everyone said. Ah, now even mustering up a smile seems like a futile effort.”

Azlan was interrupted by a knock on the door. For a moment, he couldn’t understand what the strange noise was. Then he realized that someone was outside his room. Curious, he never got visitors. Who could this be? He froze… There it was again, the unmistakable sound of a knock. He said nothing and waited quietly for the intruder to enter or leave.

“Azlan, how are we doing today?” a cheery voice said from the other side, but the door remained closed.

“Who is it?” he croaked. Huh, why did his voice sound funny? He cleared his throat. He was parched. Funny how he hadn’t noticed it until he spoke and heard his own raspy voice.

“Please, remain seated. I’m here with your daily dose of sunshine,” the voice said, cheerfully.

Again, nothing else happened. What was going on here? Azlan stayed where he was and waited patiently. There was no other sound, but he felt his mind going blank, and his eyes drooped. Before darkness engulfed him, he heard someone say, “Will he ever wake up?” Then he heard another voice reply, “It’s not very likely, but nothing’s set in stone.” What an odd thing to say, he thought as his mind slowly drifting away into darkness.

His last thought was the regret of missing another dose of sunshine and a prayer to be able to see the sun once again.

© 2020 Fizza Younis. All Rights Reserved.

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope this year turns out to be the plot twist you have been waiting for.

Now Live: Somewhere in Time by Fizza Younis

"Destiny never meant for us to exist in the same world at the same time."

About the Story

It’s a fairy tale retelling of the classic story of Sleeping Beauty. Set between the twentieth and the twenty-first centuries, the story has a darker paranormal twist, and no happily ever-after within sight. But what the future holds for our beloved characters, Aurora and Prince Phillips, is yet to be determined.

Read and find out!

Story Behind the Story

I have often heard the quote, “If you want to read something and it’s not written yet, then write it yourself.” Somewhere in Time is that story for me. I wrote it because I wanted to read it.

I love fairy tale retelling and I feel that there just aren’t enough of those available for the Sleeping Beauty. The idea of a hundred-year long slumber has always fascinated me and I hope that readers enjoy this piece of fiction.

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