Something to Look Forward to

I have some exciting news; my third short story collection book is coming soon.

Want to know more about it? I can’t wait to share with everyone. I think this is my second favorite work of mine. Don’t forget to check it out and let me know what you think. Happy Sunday!

Title: When Love Fails

Author: Fizza Younis

Genre: Short Stories, Contemporary, Fiction

Release Date: 15th February 2021

Buy/Pre-order Links: Amazon US * Amazon UK * Amazon CA *Amazon AU * Amazon IN

Lulu * Apple * Kobo * Barnes and Nobel

Paperback is also available at Amazon

So, what is this collection all about?

About the Book

It’s a collection of short stories about love, heartbreak, second chances, and letting go of the feelings that weigh you down.

Some stories don’t start well, but end with a happily ever after. Yet, sometimes happy beginnings are all we can get. When love fails, it leaves behind lost souls unable to find their way back to life. What happens then? And what if it wins? The only certainty in life is that it’s uncertain. No one knows what will happen next. How best you deal with the complications that ensue from your actions is what will define you and seal your fate.

About the Author

Fizza lives with her family and books. She has a Ph.D. in economics, but fiction will always be her first love. She is an avid reader who loves to write stories about interesting people and their misadventures. Books are the most important part of her life, and she cannot imagine living without them. She also enjoys painting and spending time with friends. She takes stories seriously because they are always telling us more than we’re ready to hear. In the actual world, she might be an average person, but in the world of the books, she is spectacular.

Find her at; Facebook * Twitter * Instagram * Goodreads

Soul Seeks The Truth

I don’t usually self-promote but I thought I can make an exception in this case. I have decided to go for the self-publishing route for my short story collections.

My very first short story collection is up for pre-order. If you enjoy my stories then do check it out. It will be released in December 2019. I had published this collection on Wattpad and after positive feedback decided to finally publish it through Amazon.

Soul Seeks The Truth: Amazon Pre-order Link Goodreads Link

Soul Seeks The Truth 1

This collection will contain some of my earlier works. The stories with an underlying theme of ‘soul searching’ and characters that everyone can relate to. These are the stories about people on a quest to unravel life’s purpose and mysteries. Sometimes they succeed but not always. Either way, there is something to be learned from their stories.

So, here is the sneak peek of the stories in the collection;

When life isn’t what it seems to be and you’re given a choice… Would you make it what it’s supposed to be or face eternal regret? Remember, ‘Souls Don’t Tell Lies.’

When the silence is so loud that you can’t even hear your own voice… Listen to your soul seeking the truth through ‘Deafening Silence.’

Important things can be ‘Lost in Time,’ never to be found again. Some people have so much of what they don’t even want while, others have nothing.

When your anger consumes your soul and the only thing that is left behind is a stranger in disguise. Can you trust this ‘Stranger in Town‘ or not?

For some souls, happily-ever-after isn’t even an option. But even if the universe conspires again them, they’re determined to be ‘Together Forever.’

Sometimes what you already have is far better than what you seek and some dreams are meant to be forgotten. There is no point in ‘Chasing a Ghost.’

They’ve secrets and ‘A Dream That Never Was.’ After all, some things should never be a secret and some dreams aren’t meant to be.

All That We Know‘ might not be all that we need to know. But can relationships survive when the light of truth is shone upon them?

Death isn’t something to be afraid of. ‘Death, I don’t Fear‘ but the knowledge of what’s coming next can be a scary thing to deal with.

Knowing that kindness and love are the most precious gifts of all. The more you understand that more you’d want ‘A Life Worth Living.’

P.S. All of these short stories are already published on my blog and yes, you can read them for free here. But I’m sure that, like me, many of you would want to have them in one place. This collection is for people like us. Happy reading!