Once Upon A Time: When He Woke Up

He was not lonely, he actually loved being alone. He had lived in a cottage near a forest all his adult life. Every day he ventured into the forest to cut woods, and then he would visit the nearest village to sell them. His only companions were his donkey and his dog, who accompanied him everywhere he went. Other than that, he lived alone. He had no friends or family. He hated the company and liked to brood in a quiet and peaceful environment. He was often rude to people who bothered him and didn’t appreciate it when anyone from the nearby villages came to his cottage, so people left him alone. They assumed that he was tormented due to the tragic death of his parents. After all, there must be a reason why he didn’t like socializing, but the truth was he practiced dark magic. He didn’t want people to know about it. Although, He had never hurt a living soul nor was he ever planning to. But still, he knew that people would think of him differently if they found out the truth about his hobby. He used his powers to study the universe and gain as much knowledge about life, death, past, present, and future as he could. He was obsessed with attaining knowledge about every single important incident that had ever occurred or would occur in the future. He wanted to know everything, his thirst for knowledge was unquenchable. His very soul was seeking the truth about the universe in which he existed. He was living beyond his time and perhaps that was also the source of his unrest.

He knew the fates of every King and Queen in the world, he knew which country would conquer which or who would get famous and why, in short, he knew it all, or so he thought. That was another reason why he avoided people. It was difficult to talk to the ignorant souls whose only purpose in life was to earn their living and be content with what little they had. They had no idea what they were missing. However, in some ways, ignorance could be bliss, so maybe it was all for the best. He knew a lot though and he couldn’t stand to be around uneducated minds who were not as well-versed in the ways of the world as he thought himself to be. It was also his way of protecting himself, because no matter how much you cared for people ultimately everyone would leave you.

Everything in his life was perfect, just as he wanted it to be. He spent his days cutting wood and at nights he would sit in front of a fire and saw the fates of others in his very own magic ball. Yes, he did have one of those truth seekers. One night while he was gazing in his magic ball he saw a strange place which shocked him to no extend. He saw sky-high buildings and strange vehicles. People were wearing the strangest clothes he had ever seen and they were rushing from one place to another. He was amazed to see the glittering lights of the cities. It was the most beautiful place he had ever imagined. He knew that it could not be in the past because he had never read about any such place in all the books he had gathered over the years, so it must be the future and right then and there he decided to learn all about that enchanting place.

He stayed up for many nights working with his magic ball, reading everything he could find on the future world, and finally, he learned that it was his homeland in the twenty-first century. So, in a thousand years’ time, his homeland would become that enchanting place. The wonders of the world never ceased to amaze him. No matter how much he knew about his world there was always something new and exciting to be learned. He wanted to see that place for himself. He was desperate to find a way to live for a thousand years and be there or to travel through time. He wanted to fly in that strange machine. He wanted to see glittering lights of that city. He knew it would not be easy even with his magic. No magician alive or dead had ever been able to achieve immortality or even prolong his life. It was not possible. It had never been done, yet he had to try it anyway.

He worked day and night, traveled throughout the world, and in the end his efforts were fruitful. At long last, after many years of struggle, he had found a way. Now, he could be alive after thousands of years and witness in person all that which he had witnessed in his magic ball. He was so excited that all his efforts were coming to fruition. He had forgotten about his present in the hope of seeing a future worth living. Finally, he could be somewhere he belonged.

After struggling for ten long years he was able to concoct a potion that would make him fall asleep for a thousand years and after that, he would wake up as if it were the next day. He made a coffin for himself to sleep in comfort. Placed it in the right place where he knew he would not be harmed in any way. For precaution, he did cast protective spells all around his coffin and then he lied down in it, drank the magic potion, and fell into deep dreamless sleep.

A thousand years later…

He opened his eyes. Waking up from his slumber, blinking he looked around and remembered… He was here! Finally! His excitement knew no bounds.

He took a deep breath and pushed the coffin’s lid up. He got out of it and stretched his limbs. He walked to the opening of the cave where he had placed his coffin and was blinded by the sunlight. For a few moments, he could not see a thing. He kept blinking. When his eyes adjusted to the bright light he moved forward looking around eagerly. He bent around a corner and his hair stood. What he saw left him rooted to the place in despair.

“What had happened here?” He thought, “what went wrong with his magic and his careful calculations?” Because it was not the sky-high buildings, he was looking at nothing but barren land! As far as he could see he saw only ruins.

“Were these buildings once? Those splendid buildings?” He could’ve wept at the sight that stared back at him. He couldn’t imagine what could have destroyed the cities he had envisioned. It was a scene after the war had taken place. He felt sad and miserable. All his dreams were crushed. There were no vehicles or lights just crumbling buildings, as if everything had been destroyed cruelly, leaving nothing behind and no sign of life at all.

He walked on in hopes of finding someone who might be able to explain to him exactly what had transpired here. He walked for three hours and did not come across a single living soul. The whole city stood in rumbles. He thought about it, wondering what could have happened. Could it be an earthquake? Or some other natural calamity? What was he to do now? He had his magic but there was a limit to its usefulness. He couldn’t possibly go back.

After walking for miles, he was hungry and very thirsty. He prayed for any sign of life and then suddenly, he saw a cottage. Just like his own was, this cottage stood in the wilderness, away from any other sign of life. It must be the very edge of a city, he gathered. He knocked on the door and it was opened by an old man.

“What do you want stranger?” The man asked him rudely.

He was hurt by his rudeness but still, this man was the first living being he had seen so he said, “I am very hungry. Can you give me something to eat and some water?”

“Let me see if I have anything on hand,” with that the man closed the door again leaving him outside.

“How rude!” he thought. Back home if he had asked someone for food he would have been given a feast. This was a strange land. He knew no one here. The city he desperately wanted to see was destroyed and the only living being he came across was hostile.

After a while, the rude man returned with some fruits and a glass of water. Gave it to him and closed the door again without uttering another word.

He ate and drank water and then set out once again on his journey to find someone who could help him and would not treat him like an animal. No, not even an animal because in his land even animals were shown more respect than that man had shown him, at least he was given food so that was something.

He walked for an entire day, resting only a few times and at last reached a village. He was sourly disappointed to see that all the people here were as rude as the man from earlier. They did give him food and water but no one would allow him to enter their homes to rest. So, he slept outside on the cold floor but what else could he do? He stayed near the village at least that way he would have something to eat and drink even though his back hurt from sitting on the floor all the time. In the meantime, he planned his next move. It was clear that he was an unwelcome guest and the sooner he found his way back home the better.

One day he was sitting under a tree outside the village and thinking about all his troubles when he saw a fairy. She was very beautiful but was dressed in all black. He had never seen a fairy dressed in black before. He called out to her and explained his plight and asked her to help him in any way possible. Perhaps, she could show him a way to the nearest library, if that’s the least she could do. The fairy had no idea how to help him though. She told him that he had come to the right time, but things had not gone the way he had seen in his magic ball. There weren’t any libraries left. That was probably the most horrible thing he had ever heard. He wanted to know what went wrong. How would he find answers without books?

The fairy told him that the world had indeed become a paradise. There was advancement in every field of life. There were tall buildings and comfortable homes. Moving from one place to another was no longer a problem. People had more than they could spend. All seemed perfect but then people became greedy. They had it all still they wanted more. They became cruel and wicked. They started fighting with each other. They fought for land and for power. No one cared for the other. Countries were destroyed in pointless wars. There was no love and no regard for happiness of others. People were all selfish and mean. That was the reason fairies wore black because they mourn for the loss of love. Fairy was crying by the time she finished telling him all this and so was he.

“What have I done?” He thought, “why did I come here, in this godforsaken land?” He missed his home. He thought about his village and how he had never made friends, how he always liked to stay alone in his own little cottage and how wrong he had been! He cried and prayed to his Lord that if he could go back to his home somehow, he would be nicer to people. He would help others and be more courteous. He remembered all those villagers who had never been cruel to him even though he was rude to them when they disturbed him, but not anymore. He would love them as much as they all had loved him. He would be kind. He just wanted to go back to his little cottage. He would even give up dark magic. He cried and cried and fell asleep.

When he woke up he was back at home. In his bed and his dog was lying at his feet. Everything was the same. He was ecstatic. He danced with joy. He was so happy. That day he did not go into the forest instead he went straight to the village. He talked to the villagers and spent time with the people who loved him regardless of his previous attitude. They welcomed him even though they were amazed at the turn in his behavior still no one said anything. They were happy for him. There was love there and that was all he wanted, no, he needed it to be happy. No sky-high building or magnificent vehicle could ever measure up to that. He was born in a simpler time and he should be glad about it. He had only then realized how lucky he was.

Thank God he woke up when he woke up…

Because sometimes what you already have is far better than what you seek…

© 2018, Fizza Younis. All Rights Reserved

“I believe in everything until it’s disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it’s in your mind. Who’s to say that dreams and nightmares aren’t as real as the here and now?”
John Lennon

Lost In Time: A Short Story

Tagline: Should you risk your present and the future for a different past?


The most important thing in life is to know what isn’t important. It’s better to let go of all the things that are weighing you down, especially, when they don’t even matter.

“Don’t let others tell you how to live your life,” that was the advice my mother gave me when I was twelve, “ask yourself, look into your own heart, you already have all the answers you need.”

I always listened to my mother, because she knew what was best for me. She loved me more than anyone ever could, and instinctively, I knew that she would never ever lead me astray. Even though she is no longer with me I still remember everything she ever said to me.

She had raised me to believe in myself and to be persistent. She always told me that it is very important to be decisive and never regret things that go wrong. She was a scientist like me and we know that life is just an experiment, a trial, and a lot can go wrong.

“Life is uncertain, sweetheart, things can and do go awry now that then and that’s okay,” she often said and like a fool, I believed her.


“You’re so stubborn. It’s not always a good thing to take such risks even if your plan seems to be perfect,” Sandy warned me, “sometimes instead of going forward it’s okay to take a left or a right turn.”

“I don’t care what you think. I love you, but there are things that you don’t understand,” I replied.

“We’ve been friends for ten years now, I know you well enough,” she sighed, “you are going to do it, aren’t you?”

“I must there is no other way. The day I lost my mother was the worst day of my life. If I can turn back time and save her I am going to do it, at any cost.”

“You’re not thinking clearly.”

“I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life. I want to do this. This is important to me.”


“First of all, it’s something that my mother started. She invented this time machine and somehow I feel that she wanted me to continue her work. Secondly, I may actually succeed and save her.”

“Really? Have you considered that your mother had a good reason to stop working on this experiment?”

“No, she just wasn’t as stubborn as I am,” I winked at her.

It was the truth though. I remembered how passionate she was about time travel. She used to talk about her theories a lot. That’s why I wanted to continue it and I wasn’t going to get discouraged that easily. Besides I was almost there, everything had been planned to the smallest detail. I know where I was going, I knew what I must do once I’m there, and I knew how to get back to my time once my mission is complete. My mother’s time machine was operative.

“I hope you don’t regret.”

“Do you think I haven’t considered the dangers involved in this venture? All the things that can go wrong? Trust me I have. I won’t regret it even if the worst happened.”

With that thought in mind I pressed the button and suddenly the doors closed. The room I was in went dark. It was a small room, size of an elevator, there were no windows just a door and mirrors on the three sides. I pressed the red button that was going to take me back in time. To the time when my mother was still alive.

I wondered how my mother would feel when she found out that her time machine actually worked. She would be so happy. It was unfortunate that her life’s work went to waste simply because she wasn’t brave enough to continue with her experiments. I was though. I was a risk taker and I had just betted my whole existence on something no one had ever done before.


“Some things are just not important Anna,” someone was speaking in hushed tones, I vaguely recognized the voice, “it was never about courage sweetheart. I knew when to stop, I didn’t give up. You think my life’s work was wasted? Dear girl, I invented that machine in the hopes of finding a way to travel in time. I knew it would work but testing it was never important. My present was so perfect. I didn’t want to go back in time to change my life. My life with you was perfect.”

My head felt weird. I couldn’t feel my limbs. I was hyperventilating. Something was terribly wrong. Where was I? Who was this person whispering in my ear and what kind of gibberish were they spouting? Nothing was making any sense.

“Honey, I love you, know this. The only thing you can do now is let go of the past, let go of me, and live your life for yourself.”

That’s the last thing I remembered before I blacked out again.


I woke up in a hospital. I had no idea how I got there. Those words someone had spoken to me so softly still reverberated in my mind, but they meant nothing to me. It must have been a dream.

“Anna, you’re up,” the lady from the church said, “they say you can go back to the orphanage in a few days. Thankfully, nothing was broken.”

That’s when I remembered. I had fallen from the tree behind the church and hit my head on the pavement. Ah! So, that’s why it hurt so much. I tried to smile at her but I’m sure it was more of a wince.

“Don’t worry, you’d be good as new in no time.”


“What do you think happened?” Sandy asked.

“She went back in time and lost everything,” Mrs. Stevenson replied.

“What do you mean?”

“How much did you girls actually know about Dana’s project?”

“We have been working on it for more than six years now. Anna wanted to continue her mother’s experiments. We’ve read all of her notes and instructions. I think we know enough.”

“Clearly, you didn’t know the most important part or you wouldn’t have let Anna use that machine.”

“What do you mean?”

“What year did she choose to go back to?”


“Ah! That explains it then.”


“She was never born.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s true that Dana’s invention works, but there was a glitch in the system. You cannot go forth in time, only back, and even that has serious consequences. She went to 2023 you say, she was seven-year-old back then. So now she is a seven-year-old girl in 2023. However, not as our Anna. Our Anna is gone. She would be starting over as an entirely different person. Dana realized it during the last stages of her project and just gave up on it. To go back in time when you were alive meant that you would lose your existence and start over as someone else. Time travel is a tricky business. Too many unknowns are involved. No one can predict what kind of life they would end up having the second time around.”

“You mean Anna Brown ceased to exist?”


“But if she never existed then how come we still have memories of her?”

“We always will. We knew her in this timeline. Everyone who knew her here will remember her. Unfortunately, she won’t remember any of us. She won’t have any memories of her past or present. She would have very different memories. I just hope that she found a better life.”

“I don’t think that’s possible because what can be better than perfect?” Sandy said sadly.

Some things are not important and must be left alone. Just because you can, doesn’t mean that you should. Anna wanted to see her mother again, even save her from death. She wanted to prove that her mother’s work was worth something and, in the process, she lost everything. She lost the woman she loved the most. Most importantly, she lost herself somewhere in time, forgotten forever.

© 2018, Fizza Younis. All Rights Reserved


Originally published at Wattpad

P.S. What are your thoughts about the message in this story? Does it make sense to you? Did you like it? Thank you for reading it.

Traveling In Time With Books We Love

If you could travel in time where would you want to go? To the past or to the future?


I don’t know about you, but I have often fantasized about time travel. Perhaps the reason is that past is always romanticized and it’s not always easy to accept your reality as it is. When it comes to fiction, the concept of time travel is nothing new. Many authors have written about traveling in time in so many different ways. Some have explored time travel through devices called time machines. Others have used magic to transport their protagonists back or forth in time. Then, there are those who have kept it vague. At times the endings unfold all the mysteries for readers, while sometimes, they are left to our imagination.

It is true that science fiction is a genre usually associated with time travel. Perhaps, it’s because H. G. Wells, father of science fiction himself, is the perpetrator of popularizing it in fiction. However, there is no shortage of fantasy, paranormal, historical, and even contemporary novels that have utilized this theme, in order to concoct most intriguing stories of mystery and mayhem.


Some authors don’t ‘interfere’ with history when they write time travel fiction. They try to remain true to the actual historical events, posing that any change in history will lead to a butterfly effect through time that could very well lead to apocalyptic situation in the present. Although, not all authors confine themselves to such rules. There are many who don’t care about such restrictions. It is fiction after all, so who cares if their protagonist ends up changing history for the rest of the world.

“Yeah, but what if you went back and killed your own grandfather?”
― Stephen King, 11/22/63

In any case, it’s an intriguing sub-genre of fiction that I am personally a fan of. I should probably mention that most of the books I’ve read deal with going back in time rather than going forth.

Let’s talk about romance. Who doesn’t love it, right? And if you have to go, a few decades, back in time to find your one true love, all the better. This is what happens to Jo-Jo in a chick-lit romcom Step Back in Time by Ali McNamara. She is so focused on her carrier that only traveling back in time can make her realize what she is missing for her to be truly happy.

This story is all about people you’re supposed to love, but somehow you forget it, taking them for granted. That’s when you need a rude awakening… or perhaps a magical journey through decades?

Jo-Jo actually travels through multiple decades; 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and the present. Every time she finds herself utterly lost, with a completely different life. Moreover, each time she must solve a metaphorical puzzle to move on to the next step in her mysterious adventure. Because there is something she needs to learn before she can go back to her original time. But what will she find once she returns? Are things going to be the same or is her life about to be changed forever?

Mode of transportation:

Jo-jo is hit by a speeding car, on a specific zebra crossing, and wakes up in a different decade. What an unusual and interesting way to travel back in time!

Step Back In Time

Young Adult novels are always very imaginative. Every time I pick up one, I find myself in a different world, a different time zone, and sometimes on a different planet. And, in my opinion, mix genres are always the best.

My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century by Rachel Harris is a YA time travel, historical, contemporary, and romance trilogy. A teenager girl, Cat, just wants to get away from her parents and somehow ends up in Renaissance period. So, okay, that’s a little farther than she wanted to go, but her adventure would be far more interesting now than it would’ve been in present day Italy. Also, the good thing her ancestors are there to help her survive.

It has all the ingredients of a great YA series and time travel is just an added spice. In book two of the series, Cat’s cousin (her actual ancestor) from the past travels to twenty first century. So here we have both, going back in time and coming to the future examples. Book three is a contemporary conclusion to this time travel adventure. Still, the whole trilogy was great; flirty, funny, and heartwarming kind of series.

Mode of transportation:

Some gypsy magic and teenagers’ will to escape reality. Because when you’re traveling in time what can possibly go wrong?

My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century (My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century, #1)

Once again, how can we forget Harry Potter series?

In book three, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling, Harry and Hermione go back in time to save Sirius Black and Buckbeak from eminent death. Of course, Harry Potter is a fantasy series that involves witchcraft so it’s no surprise that time travel is possible in Harry’s world. However, it had very limited usage. The author emphasized dangers of changing the past and ramifications that may befall time travelers if they took it lightly. So, in other words, where time travel is all well and good, authors have to consider their story’s plot as well. In a wizardry world if time travel was no hardship then, well, I am not entirely sure what turn the story would’ve taken…

Mode of transportation:

 In this case, they used time-turner, a magical device. Despite (or maybe because) of the magical involvement, you can safely go only few hours back in time (according to J.K. Rowling no more than five hours).

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter, #3)

So, now that we’ve talked about romance, YA, and fantsay novels, let’s talk about science fiction. Time travel in sci-fic is far more interesting than in any other genre. At least, that’s what I think. Do let me know if you disagree.

I absolutely love Doctor Who novelizations. These books are about the adventures of a time lord, who can travel through time and space. It involves aliens, going back and forth in time, visiting different planets, and all the things in between that we can imagine. There are quite a number of books, but I’ve only read handful of them. I do love the TV series as well. If you are a time travel fan then it’s definitely worth checking out.


TARDIS: The ultimate time travel machine/space ship

I love time travel in historical fiction too and On Highland Time by Lexi Post is one of my most recent favorites. Story is set in 1306 Scotland and Diana is a woman on a mission. It’s her job, as a Time Weaver, to stop history from changing. As far as jobs go, it’s a pretty unique one. Usually, it’s not as complicated as it’s about to get. She is falling in love with the man whose death she is supposed to insure. Rules are there for a reason, however, for the first time in her time travels, she is hoping to find a way around them.

Mode of transportation:

You need a special gene that will help you to travel in time and then back to the present.

On Highland Time

Don’t forget to comment with your favorite time travel books. Do you enjoy them or do you think time travel is boring?

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